Advanced Cancer Management

Family physicians and nurse practitioners play a key role in caring for patients during and after their cancer treatment.
CancerCare Manitoba has developed the Changing Focus: Living with Advanced Cancer Initiative, which is working to support advanced cancer patients and health care providers as patients transition into a primarily palliative approach to care. Implementation of a standardized care plan and transition appointments is part of this initiative.

A transitional appointment (TA) is provided by the patient's usual oncology providers and includes the patient’s individual cancer history, standardized care plan for the management of a patient with advanced cancer, written information about palliative care and symptom management, unique issues for caregivers, as well as details about local supports and resources. The community primary care provider is provided with the patient's cancer history and a copy of the standardized care plan.

Patients will receive Living with Advanced Cancer booklets (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4). Healthcare providers and/or their patients can complete the fill-in-the-blank treatment summary and care plan in Part 1.

Questions about this initiative or about a specific part of the care plan, please contact us at

If you need assistance in coordinating the care of an advanced cancer patient, please contact:

Helpline for Healthcare Professionals
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call or text 204-226-2262

Additional supports for patients living with advanced cancer can be found under CancerCare Manitoba’s Patient and Family Support Services.
They offer a variety of support groups and programs in and outside of Winnipeg for people with cancer and their loved ones.