CancerCare Manitoba Screening Programs

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Cancer Screening Saves Lives!

Have you been screened for cancer? Should you?

Cancer screening means getting "checked" for cancer. Cancer screening:

  • is for people who have no signs or symptoms of cancer.
  • can prevent some cancers by finding and treating changes before they develop into cancer.
  • can find cancer early when treatment may work better.

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CancerCare Manitoba has 3 organized cancer screening programs: BreastCheck, CervixCheck and ColonCheck.

Our goal is to decrease deaths from breast, cervix and colon cancer.

Our programs:

  • provide screening tests to Manitobans and partner with healthcare providers to increase access to cancer screening services across the province,
  • use letters to invite and remind Manitobans to get screened and notify them of results,
  • work with healthcare providers to ensure that individuals with abnormal screening results get the follow-up care they need, and
  • provide information and resources to the public and healthcare providers.

To learn more about screening for other cancers talk to your healthcare provider, or click here.

Manitoba Health and Seniors Care provides the screening programs with information to know who to invite for screening, including:

  • name, address, and date of birth
  • personal health identification number (PHIN) and Manitoba medical number (MHSC)

You can be confident that your information is kept secure, private and confidential at all times. BreastCheck, CervixCheck and ColonCheck follow the Manitoba Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). This means that:

  • your personal health information is private and confidential.
  • all program staff have signed a pledge of confidentiality.
Image of a Manitoba health card with a fake patient's name (c) Manitoba Health

While there are many benefits to being included in BreastCheck, CervixCheck and ColonCheck, we realize some Manitobans might not want to receive communication from us or participate at this time. If you do not wish to be contacted by CancerCare Manitoba Screening Programs in the future, call 1-855-952-4325 to opt out. If you change your mind, you can contact us at any time.

For more information about your options regarding the Pap Test Registry, click here.

Did you know 4 out of 10 cancers can be prevented. Click here to learn how you can reduce your risk of cancer!


#5-25 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg MB, R3C2B1

Located across from the Misericordia Health Centre in the Parkade Complex.

Click here to view maps and parking information.

Toll free: 1-855-952-4325